Entries by Eleonora Svetozarova

What Is Pro Bono and Why Should I Do It

  Pro-bono publico (English “for the public good”) is a latin phrase for professional work undertaken voluntarily without payment. Unlike traditional volunteering, it uses the specific skills of professionals to provide services to those who are unable to afford them. Pro-bono service is provided to people and organizations who have noble cause, civic standing or […]

Hellenic American College in Athens invests in SubtitleNEXT to equip Masters in Translation students with key localization skills

SubtitleNEXT prepares students with a definitive career path to face the pace of demand in the translation and creative industries We are delighted to announce the adoption of  the SubtitleNEXT system at Hellenic American College in Athens, making it the first college in Greece to offer the platform for its Masters in Translation (MAT) Program […]

SubtitleNEXT version 5.5 unveiled at September shows

Profuz Digital Strengthens Global Presence bringing fresh momentum to multiple events with Profuz LAPIS and SubtitleNEXT  at Elevate, Intermedia & IBC for broadcasters and subtitlers SubtitleNEXT version 5.5 unveiled at September shows September has been a productive and busy month for SubtitleNEXT’s creator and distributor  – Profuz Digital and PBT EU. They made an official […]

SubtitleNEXT named Gold Sponsor at the Intermedia 2019 Warsaw Conference

19 – 20 September 2019 – Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw SubtitleNEXT’s creator and distributor –  Profuz Digital and IABM-member PBT EU –  are delighted to confirm their status as Gold Sponsors of the Intermedia 2019 Warsaw Conference from 19 – 20 September. Preceded by various workshops on 18th September, the conference will […]

SubtitleNEXT at the forefront of AV, Linguistic & Media industries at Media4All8 in Stockholm

Cutting-edge SubtitleNEXT establishes itself as indispensable for creative subtitle generation in higher education, AV environments and filmmaking   SubtitleNEXT creator Profuz Digital and its EMEA distributor PBT EU, unveiled an impressive array of SubtitleNEXT toolsets for language, media and subtitling professionals that work in the LSP (Language Services Providers), Media and AV markets at the […]

SubtitleNEXT reinforces Media accessibility in pilot Educational Course

SubtitleNEXT adopted by Listen Up and NBU to help hearing impaired gain wider access to AV content   Sofia, Bulgaria, 6 February 2019  –  Imagine having limited access to news platforms, talk show programmes, native language films and your favourite TV series? There are over 120, 000 hearing-impaired people in Bulgaria today that are in […]

SubtitleNEXT подсигурява технически първи по рода си курс за субтитрьори на живо

В България има над 120,000 глухи и слабочуващи хора, които имат затруднен достъп до новини, актуални предавания, български филми и сериали. Като застъпник за равен достъп до аудиовизуално съдържание и в унисон с Корпоративната си социална отговорност (КСО), SubtitleNEXT има привилегията да партнира с Фондация „Заслушай се“ и Нов български университет в организирането на първия […]