Entries by Eleonora Svetozarova

The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto hosts SubtitleNEXT Webinar with Profuz Digital

Media Accessibility, Creative Captioning and Subtitling with SubtitleNEXT  – 5 August 2020 – 4pm EST For immediate release – 28 July 2020, Toronto, Canada  – The creators of SubtitleNEXT software, Profuz Digital is delighted to confirm that film industry partner The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) will host an online product demonstration titled  […]

SubtitleNEXT Version 5.6 features new Smart Text Assist

New Smart Text Assist in SubtitleNEXT provides efficiency for text editing and live subtitling We are delighted to announce the release of SubtitleNEXT Version 5.6, with the focus on a brand new centralised Smart Text Assist feature designed for editing and live subtitling scenarios.  Live subtitling helps increase global outreach for broadcasts, live events, online […]

University of Warsaw selected SubtitleNEXT for courses including live subtitling

We are pleased to confirm that the Department of Interpreting Studies and Audio-visual Translation (ISAT), as part of the University of Warsaw’s Institute of Applied Linguistics – selected SubtitleNEXT for their subtitling courses. The Institute of Applied Linguists at the University of Warsaw is the leading centre in Poland which is responsible for training audio-visual translators […]

Women Leaders in Tech

.MSpotlight: Ivanka Vassileva, Profuz Digital CEO, PBT EU CEO The United Nations began celebrating International Women’s Day (IWD) in 1975, but the earliest observance of the holiday goes back all the way to 1909. Countries around the world have embraced Women’s Day to varying degrees, but there’s an undeniable global movement to more diversity, inclusion, […]

Auvi Translator Pro’s Film & TV Subtitler Riccardo Mimmi selected SubtitleNEXT

We are delighted to announce that Auvi Translator Pro’s film and TV subtitler Riccardo Mimmi is using SubtitleNEXT as subtitling system of choice to support leading film and television subtitling and localization projects. Through his company Auvi Translator Pro, Riccardo provides specialized translation services across many languages such as English, Italian, Spanish and French. Using […]

SubtitleNEXT Supports First Audiovisual Event in Portugal

Hear us talk about the latest industry trends, attend a SubtitleNEXT workshop, or meet us at our booth for a chance to win a grand prize We are pleased to announce that we will hold a SubtitleNEXT Workshop over APTRAD – the two-day conference which takes place in Porto on the 3rd and 4th of April […]

History of SubtitleNEXT. Part III. The present – What’s NEXT-TT?

Part 3 – The present – What’s NEXT-TT? The NEXT-TT – SubtitleNEXT approach brings something different to the industry as Kamen outlines below. “We offer something completely different to what is out there right now. We are not restricted to one market area; the product applies to every single company and industry. There literally are […]

The History of SubtitleNEXT – Part I

Part 1: – Introduction to the SubtitleNEXT 30+ Year Journey Defined as one of the industry’s most reliable and emergent timed-text subtitling software packages, it is no surprise why SubtitleNEXT is referred to by many professionals today as the “subtitler’s lifesaver.” Delivering to high industry standards, the system is teeming with an array of immediate […]